James & Sharonda Sutton  – Ministry Leads

 “Wives submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord, For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church: Husbands, love your wives just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” Ephesians 5:22 & 25


The Soul purpose of the Marriage Ministry is to structure our relationships according to the Word of God. To develop the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities as Husband and Wife in God, to combat the adversary at all cost.

To analyze ourselves individually and collectively with the purpose of finding closure to past pain and experiences which have cause the relationships to be undernourished. Finally, we are going to invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts and lives to take entire control of the institution of Marriage and family.

To respect, revive, restore and refresh each other daily. Not allowing the principalities and powers of darkness to take you off your purpose and destiny with each other; understanding that the success of our future both in the home as well as the church rest on the strength and commitment of the Marriage.


To produce a culture of God filled Married Couples, who will rule and reign over all situations and circumstances that may come against them. To believe God for relationships which are going to translate into changing and charged congregational atmospheres, led by the Spirit of God whenever families come into the House of the Lord.
Teach married couples how to set goals and prepare a comprehensive plan which covers all aspects. These are spiritual development, health and wellness, finances, recreation, and travels? These are essential elements to live a Spirit lead life that has nothing missing, nothing lacking and nothing broken.
Interested in Marriage?